The purpose of the whole “audiophile” thing is to make a real connection between you and the music: to be involved. It is most certainly not about the chest-beating bragging rights of a ‘mine is bigger than yours’ mentality of more watts and larger speakers. BUT – if you are tapping your foot, rocking your head, hoping the recording never ends, your stereo components forgotten, the music and your brain temporarily fused.
Dry wood is one of the best electrical insulators, behind diamond and air. All of the parts for these cable lifters came from Hobby Lobby: 2" x 3" wood bases, dowel rods, thread spools, and wood glue. Sandpaper and paint
Fuse "upgrades" never really turned me on (pun intended). I have tried aftermarket fuses from AMR, Audio Magic, and Synergistics and each was an improvement over stock fuses. In our world of small improvements in sound for often large outlays
I can sum up this review right now: Turn it up! Loud has never sounded so good! I reviewed the Bob’s Devices 3440A step up transformer in July, 2009 and found the excellent performance was a bargain at the asking price of
The idea of using a step up transformer between a moving coil phono cartridge and an active phono preamplifier seems like an ideal solution for boosting the tiny voltage from the cartridge. A step up provides needed gain for the microvolts produced
Several years ago, I borrowed an Air Tight ATH-1 moving coil step up transformer and it changed my life. Well, maybe it was not a life-altering experience, but in audio terms, the audition was significant. The Air Tight sounded exceptional,
Note: Please see Update below for the RELCAP Multicap. Listening to capacitors. Hour after hour. One friend said I needed to get a life. Another waited anxiously for the results of the listening tests between the Sonic Craft Sonicap Generation 1
NOTE TO READERS: (Year 2006) Atma-sphere has been asked repeatedly over several years to comply with 10 Audio's policy on quotes (please see the bottom of the Home Page). They continue to refuse this simple courtesy. This review took almost three